The word means the buildings and songo Gedong means that roughly means nine of nine temples. The temple is located in Mount Ungaran with altitude 1200 - 1800 meters above sea level is indeed very unique. Initially called Gedong Pitoe since first discovered by Rafles only consists of seven buildings of the temple. But later found two more temples in the state although not intact. The temples are made of andesite stone has been refurbished by the Department of Antiquities, the temple I & II restored the year 1928 to 1929, while the temple, III, IV, V refurbished in 1977 to 1983.

The temples are located in Mount Ungaran is believed to be a Hindu Temple with the discovery of Hindu statues located inside and around the temple site. Among the statues found Ciwa Mahadeva, Ciwa Grand Master, Ganeca, Durga Mahisasura Mardhini, Swara Nandi, Mahakala and Yoni that is in the temple room. Another specialty of Gedong Songo is located on an elephant statue in the squatting position at the foot of Gedong III, and Yoni in a rectangular shape in the chamber Gedong I.
Regarding the establishment of Gedong Songo when no one knows for sure, but it is thought by experts that these temples were built during the Dieng temple built in the period of the century VII - IX AD during the dynasty dynasty. It is known from artifacts left behind in the vicinity of the location of the temple, as well as the physical similarities between Gedong Songo and Candi Dieng. The location of the two temples located at the altitude of the mountain the more added to the belief that the two temples built during the same time.

To achieve this temple are very easy, either use public transport, private transport, type of sedan car or minibus type. The temple is located in the village temple Ambarawa district is located only 39 km from the city of Semarang, or just 20 minutes away by motor vehicle in the speed of 70 km / hr. Practically from Semarang to this place relatively smoothly because the roads are wide and smooth and pass through several red lights only.
Shortly after arriving in the area Bandungan, then turn left and follow the road until Bandungan Market. Arriving at the Market Bandungan take the left approximately 7 km we arrived in Songo Gedong. After passing through this market, we must be careful because the road is only fit for two cars with a rise and a sharp bend. Even in some streets there kimiringan reaching 45-50 degrees. Therefore, if your car is not healthy in the circumstances do not try to bring their own vehicle to the location of Gedong Songo.
Entering the temple area is starting to feel the cool air with a typical mountain breeze lilting. Shelter large enough to contain dozens of cars, as well as the entrance of the temple that only a few yards from the parking area make it easier for tourists to reach this location. With only pay entrance fee of Rp. 2,000, - we can enter into and around the temple site heart's content.
It may be said that Gedong Songo not only offers a tour of history, but also offers a tour of the natural beauty of sport tourism as well. The temple is situated at an altitude of Mount Ungaran it's natural charms displays remarkable because the location is situated at an altitude of the mountain. After the Temple entrance, go slightly upward've seen the first temple site which is a temple located at the bottom.
At the same time there is usually a person who will follow us. But do not be afraid, these people usually offer services on horseback. If we want to try the high temple with just starting to walk a fine for not wearing a horse, but if you do not want to get too tired to ride horses and be charged Rp. 40.000, - per horse to round the whole area of the temple. But as a suggestion we'd better ride a horse, because in addition to better conserve energy, we can freely menikmat natural beauty around with ease.
After the temple after temple passed, we come to the location of a fourth temple. In front of the temple site there are four field that is wide enough, approximately two times the football pitch and flat. "Golf is usually used to play soccer by local people, for camp or for special occasions," he said Pak Slamet one of these employees Gedong Songo. Other views, namely the natural hot springs, we can also find travel between the location of the temple between the third and fourth. Besides the hot springs, the bath is provided with the enclosure, so make a would enjoy a hot spring bath can take the time ntuk.
Finally we come to the temple site is the location of the fifth or last and highest temple. Once entering pelatarannya, we can freely look down, even if the weather was sunny in a row we can see from the south side of the temple, namely Mount Telomoyo, Mount Merbabu, Mount Andong and Mt Merapi. Linger sitting in the fifth temple location is indeed very exciting, up-to not feel the time getting late and the Tailor Horse approached to take off again.
When asked to Mr. Latif, Si Tukang Horse, "Where are the four other temples sir? my number is nine temples, "Ask me. "Other temples are not intact, aka just a rock that looks kind of site," said Mr Latif. Finally we got off to pass a different path when we ride, with past vegetable gardens owned by locals. Sense of satisfaction felt in the area surrounding the heart after being satisfied Gedong Songo, the value of its history, its natural beauty always draws us back there.
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