There are interesting article from Mr. H. Awang Geologists Satyana Blog's in Indonesia, about the history of the eruption of Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait. Apparently, the eruption in 1883 was not the greatest in the history of Krakatoa. Consider the following inscription.
By Awang H. Satyana
Monday, August 27, 1883 at 10:00 pm is the last time residents in the vicinity of the Sunda Strait to see the sun was rising to its peak. Half an hour later, they dragged dying sea wave height to 40 feet ...! Total 36,417 people from 295 villages in the coastal region of Banten and Lampung. The next day and next day again, residents as far as to Jakarta and Lampung no longer see the sun - dark. What happened on that day like it is doomsday eruption of Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait. Eruptive sound heard so far 4600 miles and be heard in an area of 1 / 8 surface of the Earth. Much has been written and movies made around the world about the awesomeness of this eruption of Krakatoa. University of North Dakota Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) include two volcanic eruptions around the world who the greatest in modern history: 1883 Krakatau (VEI: 6) and Tambora in 1815 (VEI: 7).
Both exist in Indonesia, not far from us. May we, the Indonesian people - especially that calling itself the geologist, knew well these two volcanoes.
Not only the largest of which Krakatoa.

However, many documents show that Krakatoa's 1883 eruption was not the only awful. Previously, still in Krakatau also, there are eruptions that seem far more powerful again than the 1883 eruption, which occurred at the time of history, during the first Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia in 400s or 500s AD (Anno Domini, AD). Of course, this eruption was even filmed a lot written about it because our knowledge is still vague, but nonetheless real. Is B.G. Escher (1919, 1948) is based on the investigation and inquiry Verbeek (1885) - both of them is a Dutch geologist who long worked in Indonesia - which make up the history of Krakatoa's eruption since the era of history - modern.

Currently, in the Sunda Strait is Mount Anak Krakatau (born December 1927, 44 years after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 occurred), which surrounded the three islands: Sertung (Verlaten Eiland, Escher 1919), Small Rakata (Lang Eiland, Escher, 1919) and Rakata . Based on geological studies, the three islands are the edges of the crater / caldera eruption of Mount Krakatau (Ancient, 400-an/500-an AD). Escher then do the reconstruction on the basis of geological research in the three island batuan2 and characteristics of the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, then out the amazing evolution of eruption of Krakatau (Krakatoa evolution of Escher scheme can be seen in the book van Bemmelen, 1949, 1972, or in any modern book on Krakatoa .)
B.G. Escher story, first there is a large volcano in the Sunda Strait, we call it KRAKATAU PURBA compiled by andesitic rocks. Then, this volcano erupted great (when? There dokumen2 about this history, written below) and create a large crater in the Sunda Strait to the island edges Sertung, Small and Rakata Rakata. Then a volcanic cone growing from the edge of the crater of the island of Rakata, Rakata volcano call it, made of basaltic rock. Then, two volcanoes appear in the middle of the crater, named volcanoes and volcanic Perbuwatan Danan.

Both volcanoes are then fused with a volcano on Rakata which appeared first. Unity is the third volcano called Krakatau. In 1680, Krakatoa erupted andesitic lava produce acid. Date May 20, 1883, after 200 years of sleep, a major eruption occurs, and continuously until the peak of eruption took place between 26-28 August 1883 (This is the famous eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was). This eruption had thrown 18 km3 of volcanic pumice and ash. Volcano Danan and Perbuwatan lost due to eruption and collapse, and half of Rakata cone volcano is lost due to collapse, making basin-wide caldera 7 km deep as 250 meters. December 1927, CHILD KRAKATAU appeared in the middle of the caldera.
How much and when the eruption occurred KRAKATAU ANCIENT? This is the main purpose of my writing this time. Tulisan2 collected (buku2 and paper2 off) pointed to the two-digit years: 416 AD or 535 AD. Figures 416 AD is derived from an ancient Javanese text called "Pustaka Raja Purwa" which when translated reads: "There is a booming thunder came from Mount Batuwara. There was a scary Earth shock, total darkness, thunder and lightning. Then came the wind and rain storms are terrible and the whole storm darkens the whole world. A big flood came from Mount Batuwara and flow east toward Mount Kamula. When the water sink, a separate Java island into two, creating an island of Sumatra. " Elsewhere, a Syrian bishop, John of Ephesus, wrote a Chronicle of the years 535-536 AD, "There are signs of the Sun, the signs of which have never been seen or reported before. The sun be darkened, and the darkness lasted until 18 months. Every day is only visible for four hours, it was vague. Everybody says that the sun would never get the bright again. " Documents in Chinese dynasty noted: "a very loud thunder heard thousands of miles away to the southwest of China". (All quotations taken from the book Keys, 1999: catastrophe: A Quest for the Origins of the Modern worls, Ballentine Books, New York).
That catatan2 historical documents that can be true or doubtful. However, subsequent studies found many traces of sulfur ions derived from volcanic sulfuric acid were found in core samples (cores) in Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets, when ditera age: AD 535-540. Jejak2 volcanic sulfur spread to both hemispheres of the Earth: south and north. Where else if not from a volcano in the Equator? Data gathering, here and there, then all the data pointed to a point in the Sunda Strait: Krakatau! PURBA Krakatau eruption is the culprit.
PURBA Krakatau eruption was so powerful, so the accused as the cause of all the dark ages of the world. Bubonic Plague (Bubonic plague) occurred because the temperature cools. This plague has significantly reduced the number of people around the world. Super cities of the world coming to an end, an ancient Persian glory century ended, the transmutation of the Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire occurred, the South Arabian civilization is finished, the end of the largest Catholic rivals (the Arian Crhistianity), the collapse of ancient peradaban2 New World - the end of the state metropolis Teotihuacan, the extinction of the city large Maya Tikal, and the fall of the Nazca civilization in South America full of puzzles. Keys Words (1999), all events occur century of darkness of this world because of the enormous natural disaster, which greatly reduces the light and the hot sun for 18 months, causing the global climate cooled.
K. Wohletz, an expert volkanologi at Los Alamos National Laboratory, supports the research David Keys, through a series of simulations PURBA Krakatau eruption that occurred in the sixth century AD. His article (Wohletz, 2000: Were the Dark Ages Triggered by Volcano-Related Climate Changes in the Sixth Century? - If So, Was Krakatau Volcano the Culprit? EOS Trans American Geophys Union, 48/81, F1305) showed how powerful simulation of this eruption. Here are some petikannya. Eruption of that size has thrown 200 km3 of magma (compare with Krakatoa in 1883, and the 18 km3), creating craters 40-60 miles, a great eruption occurred during the 34 hours, but continued to occur for 10 days with the mass discharge 1 billion kg / sec. Eruption plume has formed a shield in the atmosphere as thick as 20-150 meters, lower the temperature of 5-10 degrees for 10-20 years.
Thus, there investigating Escher and Verbeek Ancient Krakatau eruption; dokumen2 history of Indonesia (Pustaka Raja), Syria, and China recorded a very terrible disaster occurred at 5 or 6 century AD; ice cores in Antarctica and Greenland records jejak2 volcanic sulfate ions with age of 535-540 AD, the Dark Ages peristiwa2 d whole world occurred in the 6th century, and simulation volkanologi Ancient Krakatau eruption: they all seem to be mutually supportive for a Super Collosal proto-Krakatoa Eruption of 535 AD.
If true, it only volcano in the Sunda Strait, not far from us, may we know him better, and more ahli2 Indonesia to examine and write it (because the number of experts are now very few of us who study and write it - just counted with the fingers in one hand!).
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