
the legend of Toba lake indonesia

One day a young orphan who was poor. He lived alone in the northern part of Sumatra Island is very dry. He lived by farming and fishing.

    One day, he was fishing and got caught a strange fish. The fish was big and very beautiful. The color is golden. He then took off pole and holding fish. But when touched by hand, the fish turned into a beautiful princess! Apparently he is a fish that is cursed the gods for having violated a ban. Already are written, if he touched his hand, he will change shape to be like what's being touched. Because he touched people, he also turned into a human.

    The young man proposes marriage to the daughter and fish. Prince nodded his head a sign that fish are willing.

    "But I have one request, Kakanda(brother)." He said.

    "I'm willing to be a wife Kakanda, provided Kakanda want to keep my secret that I came from a fish."

    "Well, Adina. I'll keep it secret. "Said the young man.

    Eventually they married and blessed with a baby boy that was funny. But when growing up, the boy is always feeling hungry. Although already a lot of eating the food intake-kemulutnya, he never felt full.

    One day, being so hungry, he ate all the food on the table, including food rations of both parents. On his return from the field, hungry father who found an empty table there was no food, angry heart. Because hunger and could not control myself, come out rude words.

    "The basis for the offspring of fish!"

    He did not realize, with his words, it meant he had confided his wife.

    Immediately the boy went to see her mother crying and asking if it was true he is the offspring of fish.
    Hearing this, the mother was surprised because her husband has violated their oath earlier.
    After that the mother decided to return to its natural. Then suddenly the sky turned dark and lightning and then rain came down with a rush.
    The father became upset and very sorry for his actions. However, rice has become porridge. He could never be reunited with his wife and and son who loved it.

    Foothold in the land of the former wife and his son, suddenly there springs gush. The water is increasingly large. Long into the lake. The lake is then we know today as Lake Toba.

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